Cedco Publishing, Inc.
March ‘2001 - Present
Provided help desk service, network administration and database design for Macintosh-based design department of a predominately, Windows-based company.
Mervyn’s Inc.
January ‘00 - March ‘01
Computer Support, IT Specialist, responsible for installation and maintenance of end-user hardware and software.
December ‘98 - January ‘00
Graphic artist with secondary computer support responsibilities in creative services department.
Graphic Design and Technical Support Consultant
April ‘96 - December ‘98
Projects included: Digital Graphics Advantage (designer), NFO Research (Mac support consultant), and Microprose (production artist), Design Sciences (website artist), Post Script Press (pre-press technician)
May ‘95 - April ‘96
Desktop publisher, providing hardware/software troubleshooting, training co-workers and providing assistance in self-service computer area.
Chevron, Inc.
March ‘93 - May‘95
Computer consultant, report production coordinator and graphic artist.