I was recently contacted by a person after they had been interested in the Uhuru Solidarity Movement. He was in the process of getting involved, but as a part of his personal due dilligence he came across my account here on this blog. He contacted the people who were recruiting him about what he found. One of them was Rhya Fogerty, who happens to be the person who had first recruited me into Uhuru back in 1992.

He shared with me her response to him. Here it is, quoted. I will be sharing my responses to it in sections. I also will be responding to Rhya in the first person, since she claims that she hopes for the day to see me in person, presumably to say these things to me to me face that she says to others online in places where I can't defend myself.

I recruited Matthew willis in Oakland many hears ago. I worked with him and others for many years, he was never forced to do anything, that is so much a lie that i hope for the day when i see him in person, for it is not only a profound betrayal, but is personal for me as well.

Yes, you recuited me into Uhuru in Oakland in 1992, Rhya Fogerty. As you say, you worked with me for many years. We worked together during the trial of Fred Hampton Jr. in Chicago under the leadership of Akua Njeri (also thrown under the bus by Uhuru some years later) among other places and times. You also dropped out of the work for many years while I continued to do the work in Uhuru for many years. You were a distant memory to me day-to-day activists during those many years, including the time I was kicked out and my ouster was justified with all thoe vile things that were said about me which you are regurgiting to other people now, like you were there. What happened to you during those inactive years? No matter. I guess you decided to get active again, and heard shit about me and adopted it as your own truth, in spite of your personal experiences with me. I'm familiar with this. That's what cult member do. Except the truth of their leaders as their own without question.

He did prey on women for his sexual desires, harrasing new members to the point of turning members and supporters away and it became a serious contradiction.

I preyed upon women? Really? What women? Please eleborate. No one ever accused me of being a sexual predator until it became a conveinent way to justify kicing me out and justifying shunning me. Calling someone a sexual predator is a serious charge. Do you have any records of pressing charges on me for being a sexaul predator as you're accusing me of? Why did Uhuru have a known sexual predator in the basement of a church washing dishes alone with an African woman every Saturday afternoon up to the week before I was excommunicated?

No, the sexual predator charge is abjecy slander and what I will be the subject if my conflict with your organziation becomes something that I decide I need to press charges over. What I did when I was involved was be a human being with a sexuality and ty to exist in the confines of the Afrcian People's Solidarity Committee. That is a dangerous situation to be in when you are a heterosexual whit male. As far as turning 'members and supporters' away, that's utter bullshit. I was frankly, the best recruiter to the uhurUu movment that was around in my time. That was why I sat on the Central Committee for many years. That's a matter or history. Why did APSC have a sexual predator who was chasing away recruits sit on the highest office of your organization for many years? Answer: because the charge is utter bullshit and horrendeous slander. Dozens, if not hundreds of people who know me during those days are outraged when they hear that outregeous lie.

He also was interventionist between African people and the Party which is public violation of what the solidarity movement's principles of unity. We were formed by and work under the leadership of the African People's Socialist Party. When principled struggle was raised with him about numerous violations and given the opportunity to rectify, he chose not to


and this doesn't even go into even deeper opportunist intervention he has and is likely still engaged in.

Oooh! Spooky! "deeper opporunist intervention he has and is likely still engaged in" This means "Okay, we've called him a sexual predator, which is a real charge that means something, but we have no evidence. So now instead of providing evidence, we're going to throw a strange meaningless charge on top to make you got 'huh'"

He is not a victim, he has political disunity with African Internationalism and our role and responsibility. So he hides behind this arrogant betrayal of himself as the victim of the African Revolution, but uses the solidarity movement to attack and pretend he supports the Party and reparations, just not the solidarity movement.


Takes no courage to slander,

That's for sure the Uhuru Movement has demonstratided its cowardice in that regard toward me and others for years. You're doing towards one of your contacts here in this message.

if he or anyone else in his camp are so sincere, they would build their own organization instead of slandering the just struggle of African people.


Courtland was a caregiver for one of our disabled comrades who abused him multiple times and so many things I don't want to even discuss for I want to puke. She is not a victim of the movement either and never was.

First of all Courtland is transgender man. Your bigotry towards him by referring to him as a "she" makes me want to puke. Second of all you don't know shit, Rhya you were MIA politically during

That's the real deal my friend, and you are free to tell them what I said to you. It is easy with social media to post all kinds of garbage. But the truth is the truth and actions speak louder than words.
Call me old school UHURU, but in reality they have chosen to dig their own political grave and have no credibility in the real world. In fact, their blogs actually win more people to this movement than the other way around. We worry not, as this is a struggle against the dying vicious colonial system and the rise of anti-colonial resistance and the lines are drawn in the blood of African and Indigenous people. Hope this helps Troy to bring some clarity and historical context. stay in touch. Thank you and UHURU
