What We Want...
What We Believe

Below is the working platform of the
African People's Socialist Party.
Click on any platform point on the left.

Email us @ apspuhuru@aol.com.

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1. We want peace,dignity, and the right to build a prosperous life through our ownlabor and in our interests.

2. We want the rightsto economic development and creative and productive employment whichpromote the needs and well-being of our entire people.
3. We want an end toall local, state, federal, and other taxation of black people by theU.S. government and any of its agencies.
4. We want the rightto free speech and political association, a guarantee of the right towork for the betterment and emancipation of black people without fearof political imprisonment and the loss of life, limb, andlivelihood.
5. We want the rightto international political and economic association with Africans andall other peoples anywhere on the face of the Earth.
6. We want theimmediate and unconditional release of all black people who arepresently locked down in U.S. prisons.
7. We want completeamnesty for all African political prisoners and prisoners of war fromU.S. prisons or their immediate release to any friendly country whichwill accept them and give them political asylum.
8. We want theimmediate withdrawal of the U.S. police from our oppressed andexploited communities.
9. We want an end tothe political and social oppression and economic exploitation ofAfrican women.
10. We want the rightto build an African People's Liberation Army.
11. We want the U.S.and the international European ruling class and states to pay Africaand African people for the centuries of genocide, oppression, andenslavement of our people.
12. We want an end tothe vicious, self-serving U.S. and Western European political,economic, and military interference in the affairs of Africa andAfrican people throughout the world.
13. We want an end toU.S. colonial domination of African people within the U.S.
14. We want the totalliberation and unification of Africa under an All-African socialistgovernment.